Saturday, January 10, 2015

Screenplay, The First

Hello all!
Last Sunday all the kids in church got together and put on a Christmas play, and I was so proud.
About a month ago, one of the little boys in my Sunday School class asked if we could do a Christmas play. No one really had any ideas so my mom and another lady talked me into writing one to fit the recourses our church has.
I was promised help from Mom and Minion 1 on working out the plot.
They did not honor those promises.

They said "maybe something modern. I don't know what kind of modern. Maybe someone gets saved. You're the writer. I thought you would think of something."
"Just do a nativity scene. Yes, it's been done before. Can't you just write it down?"
I suggested maybe Mary be narrating the story and I got-
"That's stupid! We don't want someone sitting around telling the story."

When I was finally allowed to speak I said I didn't want a modern idea unless they could come up with the plot for me, because quite frankly, I hate writing modern stories. (I'm dead serious)

I said that I wanted there to be an older Mary narrating parts so that she could cue the rest of the kids (cause most of them are  little) on when to come in and act out the nativity.

They loved that idea. Wonder why I didn't mention that sooner.

Anyway, I wrote it, and then Minion 1 was a huge help in directing it with me. We had to pin up a lot of costumes so our wise men didn't trip over their skirts, and half of the wise men were in fact wise women. But it looked good.

One of the little boy's I've been teaching guitar lessons played a duet with me and we sang Jesus Loves Me, then the kids did the skit and we closed it all up with Joy to the World.

They did so great! I was so thrilled. They did it so good.

I didn't hear it, but when I went down to help the kids get out of the costumes Pastor told everyone that I had wrote it and that it was my first screenplay.
 I was on cloud nine.
I haven't come down yet.
Don't plan to.


  1. That is so awesome! I've always wanted to write a play and preform it in someway at my Church for like Christmas or something like that.
    That is amazing, and you should be really proud of yourself! :)
    -Lauren <3

  2. Thats amazing! DON'T COME DOWN. Stay there :)) It's amazing! You should be so proud!!!!

    A few years ago I was into movie making, so I filmed the kids doing a nativity play, then narrated over top of it. It was one of the proudest moments of my life, watching the church watch my baby. So I know how you feel. Like wow... I'm getting recognition for my work as an artist. The possibilities seem endless.

    1. Thanks!!
      Oh, that is so cool!!! It's an awesome feeling.
