Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Maze Runner Movie Review

Well, I managed to keep it a secret till Christmas day.
Minion 1 got The Maze Runner movie.
So this is my review of it.
First off.
Do not watch it with your grandma and parents.
They will not understand.
When you try and explain the book to them, they still will not understand.

Moving on.

This movie. I liked it. I did not love it.
As a movie, it was good. Compared to the book, it was not.
I know the movies are never as good as the book, but when I have adaptions like Hunger Games and Divergent to look to, this one fell way short.

There were lots of things that were different from the book. Most of them didn't really change the plot any, but they certainly irritated readers like Minion 1 and I. Several of them seem like they will be huge problems for the later movies though. I could be wrong. Maybe they'll figure out how to make it fit, but I don't know how.
I'm sort of curious why James Dashner loved it so much. The man was like obsessed with it. Oh well.

If you can get past book nerd problems, it was a good movie. They took a complex story and it made sense in movie form. The actors did good at being their characters. Chuck was amazing. I didn't quite picture Newt that scrubby and Minho that Asian, but they still pulled it off very well. Newt wasn't as brilliantly sarcastic, but that's okay.

For content, there was a lot of cussing. I didn't count, but there was way more cussing than there was in the book. mostly D and H words, but there were some bigger ones like SOB. So, red flag on that front. That was the only downfall as far as content goes.

It's definitely not a lousy movie. I've already watched it twice since Christmas.
If you liked the books, it's worth the time to watch the movie.


  1. Haha that last gif.

    I'm waiting to read the book before I watch the movie.

  2. I just watched the movie a couple days ago and loved it! My friends have been telling me to read this book for such a long time. I want to see what the differences are between the movie and book. I can't wait to see what they do to the sequel!

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. Sweet!! If you loved the movie, you'll like the book even better. Oh gosh, I know. there are sooo many great movies coming out this year. Cannot wait!

  3. I've wanted to watch this movie so bad, but the way my cousin described it, book-wise, it sounded pretty bad. I still kinda want to watch it though. But I know my parents will be irked about all the cussing. That really annoyed me when I read a review, because they don't cuss in the book anyway. It sounds like a well done movie though! Thanks for the review!

    1. Yeah, I liked the book. Not my favorite series, but good. There was cussing in the book, but not as much as the movie, and not the variety of words the movie used. It is pretty well done though, considering they had to make grievers and a maze and all that.
