Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Adios 2014!

I can't believe another year has come and gone. It's just crazy!
So much has happened this year, and since the trend seems to be to recap the previous year and sum it all up in a post, I thought I would hop on the band wagon.

This year-
I traveled out of state- Four times.
I read Four book series'.
I fell in love with a boy named Four.
I finished Four stories.
I started Four stories.
I watched three movies based off books I've read...curse that three.
I got one new job...I guess this is the end of the Fours :(
I made a complete idiot of myself at least Four times, I'm sure.
(Fours will rise again!)
I had so much fun blogging.
I started beta reading for people.
I joined an official critique group.
I entered my first official writing contest.
I completely lost my mind, and let it get posted on the internet in the form of blog posts, and didn't regret it at all.

Thank you all so much for reading my blog this year!
I've had so much fun with it.
 I'm sure this upcoming year will be just as great.


  1. Four is the best! :)
    Can't wait to read your blog posts next year!
