Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Morning Post

Hello amazing readers! I hope your morning is off to a good start. Mine is...It's been hard. I had to get out of bed this morning. With nothing urgent pressing. No guitar lessons, no school work, no nothing that needed done. Nothing to pull me out of bed.
Except my honor. Honor wouldn't let me still be in bed when my mom and dad came home. So here I am, typing away, with mornings on my mind.

Do you know that I will go through a lot of work all for a good joke and a few extra seconds in bed?
I will.
See, a while back my cousin spent the night. She's from Colorado, and has an awkward schedule that consists of going to bed disastrously early, and then waking up early for school.
                                     It's kind of annoying.
She had spent several days with us, and I noticed that when she woke up, she would come tromping into my bedroom and start talking non-stop. So I decided to fix her.
The night before I plugged my earphones into my radio and popped in my Skillet CD. I went Don't wake me and listened till I got to the exact moment before the chorus started, then paused it. Unplugged the earphones and wrote up a gigantic note that said "Don't talk to me. Just press play on the radio."
It was going to be epic. What better way to prove my point than her favorite band telling her not to wake me up because I'm really enjoying the dream I'm having? It was sheer brilliance.

You know what she did? She came in, threw the note on the floor and jumped on top of me. Twice.

This morning my dad woke us up before leaving to go pick my mom up from her bus route. I was laying there in bed and...I don't know how many of you have an uncommon ability to remember songs and phrases from commercials of decades past, but when I was little there was a Cabbage Patch Kid commercial on TV that said "I don't want to grow up. I want a cabbage patch kid!" Sad to say, Cabbage Patch Kid's was one of my phases, and I always love things that defy growing up, so that little jingle stuck with me.
So this morning as I was laying in bed and telling myself I should get up, I sang out in that tune "I don't want to get up!" Harmless right? Until Minion 2 (who was not alive for that commercial or phase) answered back "I want to be a cabbage patch kid."

Which started a discussion about how we would simply have to explain to mom and dad when they returned that getting up was a bothersome business and it was much better to be cabbage patch kids. And since, you know, we don't have cabbages big enough to snuggle in, our blankets would have to substitute.

The morning does strange things to me, my friends. Strange things.

(We went shopping yesterday, and I brought home The Legend of Korra book 2, and The Revolution season 1. We've been watching Korra season 1 for the last few days, so I'm in the mood, as you can tell)

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but most of my posting comes in the afternoon or even evening. When I do post in the morning, it's because I wrote the whole thing the night or week before, and just hit the publish button the next day. I put no thought into blog posts the morning of. It is folly. This post is a perfect example of what you poor things get when I write a post in the morning.
I regret nothing.
I may regret a little bit, because I'm actually planning a book review, a incident from my life, and a writing related blog post for the very near future.
To redeem my honor.


  1. Ha Ha, I really enjoyed this post. I had a cabbage patch doll when I was younger.

    1. Ha, thanks :) I had one official one, and two hand made ones, but I was certain that I loved Cabbage Patch Kids anyway. I was such an odd child XP

  2. Thank you for following my blog! :) I most definitely followed back!
    I am excited to read more of your posts!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks!!
      Awesome. Thanks for commenting :)

  3. Fun post!
    Visit my site? We can follow each other if you want. Let me know! :)


  4. I've been trying to get out of bed earlier lately but it hasn't been working. I've been hitting the alarm and just turning over, "the morning is evil" yes Korra, you are completely right, though I tend to get a lot more done in the day if I get up early.

    Yay Avatar and Korra!!!! I recently discovered both those shows, and for me discovering a long running tv show is horrible since I have no self control. I watched all 61 episodes of Last Airbender in 5 days. Korra took me longer I think it was 2 weeks, but I sort of stopped for a while after season 2 because it was really bad, but then season 3 was a whole lot better, and now I can't wait for season 4!

    1. I agree, getting up earlier makes me more productive, but it sure is hard to do, haha. Wow you watch fast! I've owned all of avatar for years and still haven't finished the second season. I have to watch it when my sisters want to and my parents aren't home though. They've really been liking Korra though. Oh? I haven't seen the second or any of the other seasons yet. How bad is it?

    2. I know, it's really bad... I just can't help it though. Really? I think the third season is the best! I understand about that though, my family has been watching Psych together and it can be so frustrating when you have to wait for everyone in order to watch an episode, though if I was watching it alone I probably would have finished all seven seasons already...

      I loved the first season of Korra, but then in the second season they dive really deep into the spiritual. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but it's definitely not christian and it can mess with your head a bit. They go into all these spirits, spirit portals, loosing your soul in the spirit land, harmonic convergence... and the spiritual history of the avatar, and I just found it rather disturbing though the rest of the season that's not about the spirits is good.

    3. I've always heard it was the best, and want to watch it so bad, I just haven't got time yet :P Haha, oh the joy of watching things with families.
      I'm almost done with the first season of Korra, and like it a lot. Oh yeah, I always got annoyed when ATLA got into the spiritual side.
