Friday, September 26, 2014

The Janeite Tag

Well, Skye from Ink Castles wants me to do this tag, and I get the feeling it may just be so she can laugh at my expense when I blunder through these questions...
 I shall give it my best shot. Katie, listen up. I'm sure you'll be after me about my lack of Janeite-ness by the time this post is through.
~Tell how you were introduced to Jane Austen and share one fun fact about your Janeite life (this fun fact can be anywhere from "I stayed up all night reading Emma," to "I visited Chawton and met Anna Chancellor.").
~Answer the tagger's questions.
~Write seven questions of your own.
~Tag as few as one or as many as seven other Janeites and let them know you've tagged them.
I was introduced through Jane Austen by my mom, who I suddenly saw packing around a book that was three inches thick. I am the book worm in the family, so I was curious what the heck she was doing with said gigantor. Turns out it was a collection of Jane Austen books put together. She told me it was amazing and she really thought I would love it. Now, a fun fact about my Janeite life...Well, I disregarded Mom's advice to read anything by Jane for years. When I got a Kindle I downloaded the free version so I wouldn't have to lug around the delicate and obnoxiously large volume. I made it about....a quarter of the way through? I'm sorry, I just- there was no plot. It was only about a girl and I didn't sense any imminent danger or dastardly deeds coming up, so I just kind of let it sink down to the bottom of my reading list.  
1. 1995 or 2005 Pride and Prejudice? 
I haven't watched either of them, but I've seen pictures, and based on the characters looks I'd say I'd have to go with 2005. The best thing to come out of 1995 was me.
2. If you could meet one Jane Austen character, who would it be, and why?
Well, beings I only know of the ones from Pride and Prejudice, I would go with Darcy. He seemed like I would like him, since we both tend to be a bit blunt. It may end in war though...That and he seems to be a favorite character of lots of my favorite characters, so he must be worth meeting.
3.  Favorite Jane Austen quote?
4. How many of Jane Austen's novels have you read? 
1/4 of one.
5.Would you rather go a Christmas party with Emma Woodhouse or visit the sea shore with Anne Eliot?
 I believe I'd visit the sea with Anne. Based off their Wikipedia pages, I think I would get along better with her. She seems quiet and mousy. It would be fun to try to bring her out. And if we didn't get along, I'd rather play on the beach than be crammed into a Christmas party.
6. Have you ever been to England?
No, but my penpal lived there for several years. They don't have Thanksgiving and Will Herondale isn't real, so I really see no point in going.
7. Would you rather spend two hours listening to Mrs. Bates ramble or with Mrs. Bennet complaining about her poor nerves?
Bates. He could tell me war stories. I have zero patience for Mrs. Bennet.
There you go. Amused? You're probably all sitting there thinking good grief, this girl has no love of the classics.

I really don't know anyone with a blog who likes Jane Austen, but if you do, go ahead and take the tag. Or if you don't, but think your answers would be fun, that works too.



  1. Thanks Maddie, I just wanted someone to feel clueless with. It was funny,you got through more of the book than I did. We're both uncultured swine, and I personally have no love for the classics.

    1. You're welcome :) I had fun doing it. The only classics I've ever liked have been Louisa May Alcott's books.

  2. See I've never read any books by Jane Austen, but like you, I've read books by Louisa May Alcott.
    -Lauren <3
    P.S. as a response to your comment on my blog...approximately how long did it take you to learn to play guitar?

    1. I like alcotts books.
      Hmm that's tough because I took lessons for years but lots of it was learning new songs not new skills. I think it took about one year to learn backs guitar playing really good. Two to three years to learn all the picking techniques, tabs, and notes. Learning basic guitar doesn't take long. I'm teaching kids right now and in theory (if they practice) they can learn all the basics in 8 lessons.

    2. Okay thank you for this information! :)

  3. I've only read a part of one of Jane Austen's novels. I don't read that many classics though I have read Little Women By Louisa May Alcott. I love the hints about Will Herondale. He is my favorite male character on the whole book world!

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. I love Little Women.
      Haha, he's a very fun character. I don't know if he's my top favorite male or not, but he's definitely in the top five.

  4. I LOVE Jane Austen. I might do this tag sometime:) Great post!
    In Christ,
