Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Life As I Know It

I Hate USB Storage Devices
It's true. I really do hate them.
The reason why?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I've been fighting for the last two days to get my computer to recognize that there are, in fact, files stored on the thumb drive I'm putting in it.
Important files.
School files.
That are due tomorrow morning.
The good news out of all of this? I was finally able to move those files onto a different drive and submit them. That still doesn't improve my affections toward computer hardware at the moment.

Moving on to less gruesome topics (if you would have seen the way I was clicking on the mouse buttons you would totally agree that it was gruesome), I finished typing up The Dynamic Duo. I know it was only 20 some thousand words, but it was still a little odd seeing that it only comes out to about fifty pages long. Gives me a little sinking feeling, like...How do I even begin to add more to this thing so its the size of a full length novel? I'll figure it out though. I'm glad it's at least typed up so I can start working on it. Stephanie Morrill did a post on getting organized to edit  and I will definitely be needing that.

I'm still reading away on Jill's book Storyworld First (which is available on Amazon now), and I've been using it to plot out the world for my idea currently titled RP Fantasy. It's loads of fun, and I'm thinking about using that story idea for Go Teen Writers' upcoming 100 for 100 challenge. If you don't know what that is, you can check it out here . I signed up for it this morning and I'm pretty excited. (Do not tell me that I should work on my Beauty and the Beast retelling instead, I wont listen)

Summer is winding down and this is our last week of irrigating, which is an amazing feeling. I will enjoy being able to stay in bed a little longer instead of having to get up to change water. Yesterday I was in a tractor most of the time, and got three fields of hay raked. Just in time too, because God's blessing us with a nice rainy day so far today.

Our church youth group went to another small in-church concert. This one was put on by Cloverton. They were really great. Not the typical rock n roll sound I usually like, but very beautiful music. And we got pictures and autographs which is always great. (They kind of looked like they would be really good with computers. Maybe I should have had them come fix my computer)

Let's see...Is there anything else I should be telling you? Maggie lost herself in a been field late the other night. It was a game of hide and seek trying to follow her barking and call her back to us. Thank God we eventually found her coming down the road as fast as her fat little self could go.

My friend Brennan came over Saturday and we went riding, which was fun cause he doesn't get to come over much. It's his birthday today, which makes me super excited, but I can't tell you why just yet, cause it's a surprise.

*looks tentative* I think life should be slowing down here soon, so I will try to do some real posts soon instead of character interviews and stuff. I love doing them, and they give me something cut and dried that I can slap together really quick and post, but I enjoy doing my own types of posts more. And I promise, they won't all be info dumps with quick little summaries of everything I've done lately like this one was.

Have a great day!


  1. I've never heard of the 100 for a 100 challenge before, but it looks really neat. I don't have time for NaNoWriMo this year, so I think I'll try that instead. :)

    1. Awesome! I've done it twice before and it's super great. Love the little word count goal per day. Good luck!
