Monday, September 8, 2014

Beautiful People- Trenton

It's time for Beautiful People again and this one is absolutely awesome! Here's this months post from Further Up and Further In
Want to hear what makes this months edition so great! It's about the villains! I must admit, I had a hard time choosing a villain. Sadly, so many of mine aren't fully developed as they should be. But I did finally decide to use Trenton Reese. He's from my story Out of Darkness, which has been finished for a while, but is currently being edited, and so I like getting to visit him again to get back into the story a bit before I start doing revisions. So, without anymore meaningless yammering on my part, here are the questions and answers.

 1. What is their motive?
Trenton's motive is power. He wants to be in charge, in control. Have all the authority.

2. What do they want, and what are they prepared to do to get it?
He wants to be the top gang leader in the area, and have tons of money from drug and gun sales. He's prepared to do anything for that. Knock off friends and family- whatever he has to do to keep people out of his way while he climbs to the top.

3. How do they deal with conflict?
Violence. If he can't shoot someone he'll pound them.

4. Describe their current place of residence.
He rotates between an old abandoned house in downtown Detroit, which he shares with his little cronies, and sometimes he can be found at his parents house, which is uptown Detroit. The former house is smelly and looks like its housed its share of beer parties. You can usually find some poor miscreant passed out in it somewhere. His parents house is considerably cleaner and more homey.

5. If they were writing this story, how would it end?
0.o That's a terrifying thought. It would end with Cannon dying, his dad would conveniently take the fall too and leave all his cash to Trenton. He'd take down the Triple D's and become head dog in town. Gage and Anton would be his right hand lackies. He'd have a good lookin' girl and a six pack of beer and life would be 'great'.

6. What habits, speech patterns, etc. are unique to them?
His cruelty definitely sets him apart. He's also all business. He does everything very methodical. He talks down to people a lot. He calls Cannon "little bro" all the time, because he knows its annoying.

7. How do they show love? What do they like to do with/for people they love?
...He really doesn't. His 'love' is very selfish. I don't think he honestly loves anyone. But the people he would claim to love he'd probably show it by offering to get a drink with them, or maybe... "snuggling" if it was a girl. Stuff he can get things for himself out of.

8. Do they have any pets?
There's a dog in the house where he lives, but it's not his, and he doesn't like him.

9. Where would they go to relax/think?
He goes to the drug house for that. That's where he does all his planning for things, and where he hangs out with the other guys.

10. What is their weapon of choice? (FYI: words, eyes/looks, and fists count as weapons, too.)
Manipulation is a huge one, and intimidation. He uses that a lot when he's not in a physical encounter. If those don't work he goes to his fists. His preferred weapon is a pistol, but he'll use a knife if he's in a jam.

There you have it. My evil psycho. I hate this guy. I probably didn't do him justice in the post, but he's very evil in my head...


  1. He sounds like a horrible person - congratulations! What a dark, cruel character. I think my favourite bit is the "dog in the house where he lives, but it's not his and he doesn't like him." - says quite a lot about him as a character...I mean, who couldn't like a dog, just a little bit, huh? Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you think so. That is true. Most people at least kinda like them. Thanks for commenting!
