Thursday, September 18, 2014

Preparing To Be A Book Review

Today I'm reviewing a book called Preparing to be a Helpmeet  by Debi Pearl. Here is what Goodreads has to say about it

It was with good reason God said let the aged women teach the younger. Trial and error is not the best teacher when it comes to marriage. Being a good wife starts long before marriage. It is a mindset, a learned habit, a way of life established as a young unmarried girl watching mom and other older women honor and obey their husbands. Much has been lost including the joy of wifehood. Debi Pearl, married 40 glorious years and the author of the very popular Created To Be His Help Meet brings to us, Preparing To Be His Help Meet. Read some of the sweetest, most unexpected love stories. One love story began in a bar and another was arranged. Why do some couples have such deep abiding love? So much is learned by those who have found true happiness. Read what they all have in common. The book also has some terrible lessons from those who did not follow God's way. Learn what most married ladies unknowingly do which always kills joy and sweet love. Don't let it happen to your love. Preparing to Be His Help Meet continues with the ever popular concept of the three kinds of men that was introduced in Created to Be His Help Meet. This new book takes the concept further discussing the three kinds of girls and what type best suits you. Are you a Go-to girl, or a servant, or maybe a dreamer? How can you get the attention of a good man? Find out how to avoid being a Hidden Flower or a Grabber. Discover what you can be doing that will help your future husband succeed in his life and business. Find all these answers and more in Debi Pearl's newest book.

My mom has the grown-up-married-woman's version of this book, and she got me this one years ago. I was a goofy thirteen year old, and this book about getting ready to be married seemed weird.
Really weird.
I read the book for the first time this year, and fell in love with it. There are so many smart points in it, and such great food for thought. After finishing it I felt challenged to get out in the world and do something with my life. Not to catch a guy, but to be ready if a guy comes along.
Sometimes the book got a touch uncomfortable. Debi tends to be blunt, and sometimes she makes you feel like you're about two feet tall. But it was also a sweet and humorous read too, and I'm sure I'll end up reading it again.

You don't necessarily have to read this book strictly if you're in a relationship getting ready for a wedding, or even being in a relationship in general. It's geared more toward people who aren't in the relationship yet. It's a book that helps girl take a look at themselves and check that they have the ability to be Miss. Right before they start saying someone isn't Mr. Right.
It is definitely worth the read if you think you're at an age where dating and such will be in the near future.



  1. I'll have to keep this book in mind, thank you for sharing it :) It sounds like a really good resource, and I will probably end up reading it sometime in the near future!

    1. You're welcome :) I really enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting!

  2. This seems like such an inspirational book, there's so much to learn from it! Thank you for this wonderful review:)
    Btw, I love your blog.The design is amazing!
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. It is! You're welcome, I'm glad you like it.
      Thank you so much! And thanks for commenting.
