Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Teachers, Writers, and Who I'm Tired Of

Hi guys.
I'm tired of school.
So tired.
I'm tired of teachers.
I really shouldn't say that, because my teacher for my computer class has been great. She's been super speedy about grading my work, so I've been able to get ahead of schedule, which I love. And she's been super good with answering any questions I've had.
So I really shouldn't say I'm tired of teachers.
I am tired of writers however.
Mmmhmm, you heard me.
See, I've got this gigantic book on using Microsoft Word 2013. I don't mind reading a text book, but this is just getting ridiculous.
The chapters average 45 pages long.
With six, multi-step projects each.
And 5-7 Assessment projects at the end.
So one chapter takes me about three hours to finish.
Is it just me, or are they trying to kill me?
I mean, the book took three teacher/writer people to even come into existence.
And there's only one of me.
That seems a little unfair.
(I know, I know. Fair is for tourists)
Such is life I suppose.


  1. I'm so sick of school too! I like to just look forward to all of the good things that are going to happen this school's always best to look at the positive side of things!
    And yes, I think teachers are purposely trying to kill us ;)
    I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week:)

    1. That's a good plan. I'm looking forward to the end of the school year. That's such a nice time....:) I am half way through my course, so I'm glad for that.
      Teachers should come with a warning label or something.
      Thanks! You to :)

  2. I feel the same way as you do... school can make one feel so sick at times.. all these assessments!:(
    But I'm sure you will be able to cope with it!:D Good luck for everything<3
