Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sunshine Award

Carly from Books and Etc.  was awesome enough to nominate me for the Sunshine Award. What you do is post five facts about you, answer five questions, nominate five people, and ask them five questions. It's an award of fives.

My five facts are...

1. Fictional and famous people excluded, I have had a grand total of 22 crushes in my life.

2. I love to draw, but I only get 1-3 good drawings done a year. The rest suck.

3. I constantly forget my passwords, so I have to change them all the time just to get in to my accounts.

4. I cannot paint my right hand fingernails to save my life.

5. My favorite tab to play on guitar is Pipeline.


1. What is your favorite memory from middle school?

Um…I don’t know. Probably leaving middle school and writing a parody to the song Burn the Ships. “Burn the books, I’m in 9th grade.” And it went on to talk about burning math books, and the uselessness of algebra etc. I really don’t remember much from middle school.


2. If you were a book, who would you want in your story and who would write it? Plus what would the genre of your book be (personality wise)?


If I were a book…That’s so confuzzling. I would want my sisters in there, cause it would just be a boring book without the gang. And I’d want all my favorite characters in there. I won’t bother listing them all. Who would write it…I think I would want Christopher Paolini and Veronica Roth to co-author it. The genre…Man, I can’t even decide what my favorite genre is, how am I supposed to decide what genre I would BE?? I would be a dystopia. The perfect mix of reality and make-believe.


3. If you could change your name, what would you change it to and why?


When I was young I always said Jessica, because I had a friend named Jessica and she wore moccasins and I loved it. But then I decided I would want to be Alyx Bane. Because it sounds awesome. I really wouldn’t want to change my name though…


4. If you could turn back time and relive a year of your life, what year would it be and why?

….My brain….hurts. I would turn back time and relive…Uh, I don’t know. There’s a few different instances I wish I could do over again, but not exactly the entire year. I would redo the year when I was younger (10 maybe?) and get my picture taken with Travis Briscoe instead of being terrified of him.


5. If you were a superhero, what would be your super power and who would be your partner or partners in crime? What would you call yourselves?


Who says I’m not a superhero? I don’t know, I’d either want to fly, or turn invisible. My partners in crime would be Minion 1, 2, and Lana and Kayla, because they’re really the superhero experts and I only know that Thor is handsome and Stark rocks. We would call ourselves…I don’t know MRS STARKS ? We’d be The Gang.


Wow. Those were incredibly hard, but thanks for the nomination. It was fun.


Now, my five questions are….


1. You are offered a knife or a microphone. Which do you take?

2. Would you rather be seven foot tall or five foot tall?

3. Jean or leather jacket?

4. Do you prefer listening to guy or girl singers?

5. Do you like soft or firm pillows?


And I’m nominating

Brooke from http://teenwordsofsteel.blogspot.com/
Christine Smith from http://musingsofanelf.blogspot.com/
Nathaniel Westmoure from Revelations (I think he's taking a break from blogging, but if he wants to do it when he gets back, he can)
Victoria Grace Howell from http://storitorigrace.blogspot.com/
and Sarah from http://foreverchanged13.blogspot.com/


  1. Thank you! I'm sorry that I forgot to thank you for the other awards. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it. (busy with school) But I might be able to write up a big post of awards. Thanks again and I'm sorry I haven't said this before! Love your blog:)
    In Christ,

    1. You're welcome! I understand haha I always take forever to do awards, but I just have my little go to list of who to nominate xp
      Thanks! :)
