Saturday, September 20, 2014


I've made it past ten followers everyone!
Eleven, count 'em, Eleven followers.
First off that calls for a huge Thank You to all my followers.
Second off, that calls for a crazy post that somehow relates to passed up tens, and the number eleven.

Big Ten is the conference my state's football team is in.
The Wonderful World of My Life has made it past the big ten.
I don't have a football conference that has to do with eleven,
But I do know that Nebraska used to be in the
That was a good conference to be in, let me tell ya.
But eleven is just as good (as long as you're not OCD about things like odd numbers)
Waking up to new followers just makes me so happy.
I should probably do something for you guys to celebrate, huh?
Any ideas?
What would make you guys feel celebrated?


  1. Congrats, getting followers is awesome. You deserve them to your blog is great! You always make me laugh, so thank you for blogging.

    1. It is awesome :) When I started I was scared I'd be blogging to no one XP
      Thanks so much! I love reading yours too.
