Monday, September 29, 2014

The Sunshine Award

Hello everyone! Hope you're enjoying life. Jessy at Barefoot in the Snow nominated me for The Sunshine Award. Currently, there is not a smidgen of sunshine to be had. It's all fog and wet. So, in the absence of sunshine I'm making my own.


thank the person who nominated you

tell us five facts about yourself

answer the five questions given

write five questions for your nominees to answer

nominate five bloggers for this award
(and let them know about it)

Here are my answers to Jessy's questions.

Five Facts
1. I was up almost all night last night, and I could be grouchy consequently.
2. I have threatened Minion 1 with bodily harm if America marries Prince Maxon in the Selection series.
(Multiple times) 
3. I hate Peeta. The boy. Not the bread.
4. I'm procrastinating from taking a test.
5. On a test one time it asked me a question that went:
The people you come into contact with at work are called-?
One option was Fanbase.
I knew the correct answer.
I almost clicked Fanbase anyway.

1. What kind of posts would you like to see (more of) on my blog?

Oh, I don't know. I like you blog pretty well as it is. I do enjoy when you post writerly things.

2. If you could be a new character in your favorite TV show, which show would that be?
what role would you play in the show?
Well, they up and cancelled The Revolution on me, so I can't go hang out with Monroe, so I suppose I would be in Under the Dome. I'm not sure what role I would play, but I would probably be one of those people that is a little more rambunctious than their abilities, and wanting to go after the bad guys all the time. I may also serve as the official Dale Barbara fangirl.

3. Why is the sky blue?
God likes blue.

4. Tell me your worst nightmare

-_- Mushu. -_-
No, probably one of my family dying, or getting cancer. Something horrendous like that.
5. How and when did the writer's curse first consume you?
Okay, well, I don't remember exactly, but I know when I was young I made lots of 'books'. Cardboard taped together with pages in the middle, full of horrible spelling and childish artistic masterpieces.
The first story I can remember is "The Oceanfront." Which consisted of a girl getting mad at her dad, climbing out the window, and going to the beach to do nothing.
Then I got older and decided to write a sequel to my favorite kid's book at the time
....I forget what it's called....
Things just sort of took off from there.

Now, on to the nominating process...
I nominate

J from The Journey's of my Beating Heart
Jillian from Covers and Ink
Carly from Books and Etc.
Lauren from Loving Our Creator
Sammie from Sammie the Star Girl

(The rules say five, but if you wanna do the tag, go right ahead)

Here are your questions:

1. What made you want to start blogging?

2. What is your favorite genre of music?

3. How many computer devices (iphone, laptop, tablet, etc.) do you have in your home?

4. If someone walked into your bedroom right now, what impression of you would they get?

5. Have you ever ate wild game (pheasant, deer, dove, etc.)?

Thanks for the nomination Jessy!
Enjoy everyone :)



  1. Thank you for nominating me!
    Why do you hate Peeta? I've never read the Hunger Games, but I have always heard that people love Peeta!
    Have you heard that a new book is supposed to come out in The Selection series? I am super excited about it...because I loved the series! It's supposed to come out next's supposed to be called "The Heir".
    Thanks again for the nomination...I will most certainly get to that soon!

    1. You're welcome!
      Most people do love him, but he's just too soft and sensitive for me. Gale was tough and I love him. I wished she would have went with him.
      I did hear! I haven't finished the whole series yet, but I think I'm glad there's another one coming. (I guess it will depend on how the One ends)
      Awesome! I'll look forward to it!

  2. Thank you so much for nominating me! I really enjoyed reading your answers:)
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

  3. Mushu, I love that guy. I too find Peeta annoying, but he can make a mean cake.

    1. He's amazing xp finally some people who agree with me on peeta

  4. Mushu is the best sidekick ever! I also find don't like Peeta that much. I also have to study for a quiz although I would rather be writing. What book are you on in the Selection Series?
    Thanks so much for the nomination! Can't wait to do these questions!

    Carly @ Books and Etc.

    1. He is! Awesome.
      Darn quizzes -_-
      I'm half way through the elite.
      You're welcome! Can't wait to see your answers.
