Friday, October 17, 2014

A Writing Space

Guys!! Guess what! I have created myself a writing space!
I've tried to in the past but I had an old metal school desk with no storage (and it was ugly. You can't create at an ugly environment) and it just never worked. 

But my mom got some new shelves at a garage sale for her sewing room so I talked her into letting me have her old desk. 
We hauled that thing in and cleaned it up and I got to work organizing all my writing junk so I could properly utilize my new space. 
It took several hours spread across four days, but I got it done and I like the outcome. 
Wanna see?

Here are my three bookshelves. 
Writing books, empty tablets, folders of old cringe-worthy stories, guitar music, favorite books, guitar equipment, cd's, etc, etc. 
(You would not believe how clean and organized they look compared to what they were)
Then over here I have my story board. There's a big bulletin board behind it, but it's full of drawings and pictures so I wasn't willing to give it up. I snatched this one from my mom's office (she won't miss it). The story that's currently on there is The Assassins

And here's the big part. 
The desk. 
Down there at the bottom I have folders and tablets with all my current work in progress'. The drawer holds notecards and little notebooks for story boarding. 
And on the top I keep pens, pencils, markers, paper clips, and all sorts of random writer utensils.
You now know what I like to drink. 
I just used pliers to rip the tops off when I was finished. 
I'm so excited to start using it. I just need to commandeer a chair, and hopefully a laptop will be added to the mix soon. Can't wait!

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