Friday, October 24, 2014

Walking on Clouds

The fog hangs heavy
The branches they drip
The sky is gray now
And Life's 'bout to slip
Overcast sunlight
And overcast mood
Droplets on grass blades
Good feelings subdued
Lift up your eyes now
And let the tears dry
Days don't last forever
This fog will roll by
Life is still waiting
For sorrow to heal
There's always something
To make laughter peal
When fog settles hard
And happiness shrouds
Think of it this way
You're walking on clouds
Yesterday was very foggy, and I got one of those odd little thoughts that me and my dad were driving the pickup through clouds. Then of course I got a fuzzy idea for a poem that should go with that somehow, but be more of a metaphor. And there was a picture in my head to go along with it. It was cheesy, and showed the girls face, and she was actually walking through puffy clouds, not shading, but I can't draw faces, or clouds, so I decided on this one instead. I drew the picture last night before heading up to bed, and still wasn't really sure on the poem to go with it, but I came up with it in bed just before the minion's turned the lights off, so I was happy. Hope you like it. 


  1. Aww, I love this :) You did a great job! I love the picture especially, because I'm not artistic at all!

  2. I love the drawing! It's so pretty. :) This is an amazing poem! I always write in free verse since I'm terrible at rhyming words.

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. Thank you! Lol, and I'm just the opposite. I can't do free verse even when I want to :)
