Monday, October 13, 2014

It's High Time For An Update

It is.
 Because even though I posted practically every day last week, all of those posts were written at least a week in advance, and had nothing whatsoever to do with what I was actually spending my time on.

So, what was I doing? The first half of the week I was running the auger for my dad while we harvested soy beans.

During these four days I did tons of reading and tons of writing, which I'll tell you about later this week.
This is the setup I had for my 'office'.
Lovely isn't it? I was working on The Iron Curse, RP Fantasy, and a story idea that is unmentioned so far ;)
Once the beans were done I've been helping dad get ready to bring calves home to wean, (so setting up panels and feed bunks) and chasing cows out of various corn fields.
Maggie has been showing up with lots of creatures to decorate the lawn. Coons, weasels, mice. I don't know where she get's these things. If it's not actually fuzzy things, it's blood splatters all over the porch. She's some kind of vicious.
It has turned cold, so I suppose I'll have to hop on the band wagon and do some sort of post about fall, and warm drinks, and cute clothes. I'll save that for anther time though.
I wore my red lipstick to church and I loved it.
The opinion of others has no bearing on this story.
I must be off now. Thank you for reading! I'll get some more posts on the way soon :)


  1. That's so cool that your dad harvests soy beans! My grandparents have a field behind their house that rotates crops every year, and so when corn is growing and it's above our heads, my cousins and I love to run through the cornfields and try to get "lost"! :)
    Have you ever run through a corn field like that?

    -Lauren <3

    1. Oh my word someone else who does that! Yes!! One of my life goals as a kid was to get lost in a cornfield. Took me years to figure out that the rows lead right out of the field xp so fun ^_^

  2. See your a true writer, because your office is wherever you are. We used to live on a ranch when I was eight, we had cows and hay. I think those were how we made our money. It didn't last long, but I loved it. We used to play in cornfields too :).

    1. I wish that was the only thing that made a true writer :)
      Oh that's nice. I love the cow aspect if ranching way better than the farming side.
      Everyone's playing in cornfields! :D
