Monday, October 20, 2014

The Elite- A Book Review

It's book review time! I know lot's of people have read this one by now, but I'm a little behind on my to read list.
Anyway, I finished this book  last week while sitting with the auger, so I'm reviewing it.
Here is what goodreads says.

The Selection began with thirty-five girls.
Now with the group narrowed down to the six Elite, the competition to win Prince Maxon's heart is fiercer than ever—and America is still struggling to decide where her heart truly lies. Is it with Maxon, who could make her life a fairy tale? Or with her first love, Aspen?

America is desperate for more time. But the rest of the Elite know exactly what they want—and America's chance to choose is about to slip away
My Rating:
If I could use one phrase to describe this book it would be Nail Biter. I was so worried through the whole thing (and still am). There were so many twists and turns that constantly had me changing my mind.
"I hate Maxon. I love Aspen. Oh, Maxon, I guess he's not so bad. Aspen! Oh, I hate Maxon again. Aspen why would you do that? I...I like Maxon?"
^That's the trauma I was going through for the whole book.
There were other twists besides what the two love interests were up to as well. America surprised me hugely several times, as well as several other characters.
I'm also happy to announce that the predictions I made in the first book started to come true in the second book. Just saying.
The ending was a perfect cliff hanger. The kind that make you thrilled and want to hurry and grab the next book (even though I didn't, I grabbed Reached instead...)
As far as content goes, that's the only reason I gave it a four instead of five. There were several mild cuss words. Not enough to really condemn the book for.
The cuddling level was definitely up. There was talk of touching, and heavy kissing, and what not. Nothing horribly graphic, but it was still there.
All in all, it was definitely a good read, and I will be reading The One as soon as I'm finished with Reached.


  1. Oh yes, I felt the same way while reading the book. So many twists and turns in my feelings about the characters!
    I loved this series so much though, and I'm so excited for The Heir to come out!

    1. I need to read The One before The Heir comes out!

  2. I really loved The Elite! I think it may be my favorite book of the series. I can't wait to see what else Kiera Cass has in store, I especially can't wait to read The Heir.
    And I see that you mentioned Reached, do you mean the last book in the Matched Trilogy? I love that series!

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. Yes I think I really love Kiera Cass as an author. Yes, I was talking about the matched series. I really love it so far.

  3. Such great review Maddie! Seems like an amazing book, I'll have to add it to my reading list!:)
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart
