Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I've Given the 'Gift' of Feels

I'm so excited. Like giddy bouncing around excited. I walked into the kitchen to find Minion 1 with tear streaks down her face, looking absolutely crushed. You know what she said to me when she saw me?
I hate you.

I was completely caught off guard, as I hadn't done anything particularly abominable to her in my recent memory. She then spiraled into a rant about how badly she hated me, and she was just so sad and depressed, and it was all my fault, and on and on and on.

When I finally got her to stop hating on me and explain why, she told me that she had read the Dynamic Duo (We left her home that day and she had lots of time), and now she hated me.

After a few more questions I figured out the source of her distress and laughed.
The part that she was so upset about....was the part she suggested I write.

It was all her idea. I can quote her.

"The reader part of me says let them live. The John Green part of me says kill them all." ~ Minion 1

She said that. She said that while I was writing the story.

Then she read the results and told me she hated me.

I tried to ask her if it was the type of hate that was serious and demanded a change in the story, or if it was the type of hate that can also translate into love, like that feeling people have for Rick Riordan, John Green, Veronica Roth, and Suzanne Collins.

She was pretty much a blubbering mess for several hours and all she would say was that she hated me.

The next day though I did get her to speak plain English. I told her I would change the story so the episode in question never happened. That sent her into another fit. Apparently she thinks the outcome is perfect, and any changes to it would ruin everything, and she hates me.

I've come to a humongous conclusion guys. I'm capable of producing feels  in a reader.
*Happy Dance*


  1. Woo hoo! That's so great for you! From what I've heard so far about The Dynamic Duo, I'm not surprised. It's sounds like a great story and I can't wait to see it on the shelves one day! Also Minion 1's quote is spot on.

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. Thanks! The editing process starts after Nano! Hopefully I'll get it out to the world. It was quite possibly the best thing that has ever passed her lips.

  2. I could've told you that, your snippets and Blade have made me have lots of *feels*.
    Your a great writer, embrace you awesomeness! Your sister sounds hilarious.

    1. Eeek! Thank you! Oh she's great. Love her to death.
