Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Oh Look, I Missed Another Saturday

I just can't seem to get it through my head that I do A Novel Idea on Saturday. Oh well. At least the blogging police haven't come for me yet.
Anyhoo, here are this (or rather, last) week's questions. I'll be using Creed, from RP Fantasy.

If their house was on fire, what are three things they would grab?
He would grab his pet bird, Vox...I was going to say books, but that's more than three...Whichever magic book he could get his hands on first, and probably Rafe, if he wasn't out yet.
What is one talent they would like to have?
The talent of communicating. His life would be so much simpler if he could figure out the skill of spitting out what he's thinking.
If they could change one thing about themselves what would it be and why? 
He would change the fact that he is a magician. It brings on a lot of trouble and stress, and he rather not have to deal with it.
What living person do they most admire?
Hmmm, that's a tough one. He admires quite a few people, but doesn't trust them much. Can you admire someone and still not trust them?
I'd have to say Rafe. He admires how he can talk his way in or out of anything, and never seems to lose his composure no matter what is going on.
There you go! Thanks for reading.


  1. I really like Creed, he seems like an interesting guy. Magicians are always fun to write.

    1. Thanks :) it's been about five years since I've wrote a magician, so I'm hoping I still have the knack xp

  2. Creed sounds cool. :) A magician who doesn't really want to be a magician? Intriguing! :)

    I like the pictures. It helps visualize him; and shows more character :D

    1. Thank you :) yeah I thought that was kind of fun.
      Oh yes,
      I have to have pictures of my characters. It helps me write them.
