Thursday, October 16, 2014

My NaNo Project

Hello out there! I've decided to take part in nanowrimo and thought I'd let you all in on a little bit of the story idea. 

This is the play cover I made for it. It was one of my senior pictures, and I had to edit myself out of the center, so it's a little blotchy, but in general I like it.

As you can see, the title right now is Running Crazy, which I like and want to keep if at all possible.

I really haven't worked on any type of blurb yet, but basically it would go something like this.

Reeve Coughnel's summer plans don't go past going to work and fixing up his pickup, but when his friend Donny invites him to come with him and his girlfriend on a road trip to Wyoming, he takes him up on it. What Donny failed to mention is that Chloe isn't the only girl coming. Her friend Amy has also been invited, and there's not room for all four of them in his single cab pickup.
The two strangers are tossed together for the trip and find they make pretty good friends, and they much prefer each others company to their awkward dating friends.
It's only after they decide to strike out on their own little adventure that things take a turn toward crazy.

Yeah, not the best, but I'm working on it. I'll have it polished by the time NaNo starts.

Several things inspired this story. Reeve came from a roleplay character I made one time. The early stages of their relationship are copied off of my parent's. And the setting takes place where I went on vacation this summer.

I have a few secondary characters like Donny and Chloe, along with some parents, but my two main characters are

And Reeve:

Reeve is the point of view character. He's seventeen, addicted to Doctor Pepper, and is an absolute speed demon with any type of vehicle. Unlike most of my guy characters, he has nice parents. They both have big jobs, so they are gone quite often on business, but they both care for him and don't have any huge issues. Reeve is an only child, works the night shift at Menards, and spends his free time working on rebuilding an old pickup he's got.

Amy is also seventeen. She lives with her mom most of the time but she comes to spend the summer with her dad. Both parents care about her very much, though her father does suffer from an alcohol problem and can be violent at times. She may or may not have a younger brother. That is to be decided. She likes Italian food, and anything involving pretzels.

I'm not sure what else to tell you about it just yet. I spent lots of my time while watching the auger working on the plot. I've got a basic outline, but I'm still struggling with an antagonist. The situation seems more evil than any of the people, so I'm not sure what I'll do for definite conflict yet.
If you want to take a look at the Pinterest board   That might give you some fun clues about where the story is heading. (I'll just tell you- it's heading toward a sequel)

Thanks for reading!


  1. I love it, you have so many interesting stories, I'm jealous of your creativity.

    1. Thank you! If I can get them out on paper I'll be happy.

  2. Wow! It sounds amazing! Do keep us updated with the story;)
    I can't wait to see how their friendship turns out!:)
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

  3. This sounds like a great story! I really like road trip stories! They give a chance to really develop character stories since it gives time for the characters to bond.Can't wait to learn more about it!

    Carly @ Books and Etc

    1. Thanks! Awesome :) I've never read any, but I really love movies with road trips in them so I wanted to try one.
