Friday, October 24, 2014

Orphan's Song- A Book Review

Today I'm reviewing Orphan's Song by Gillian Bronte Adams. I have to throw in an apology to Gillian here, because I was supposed to have this thing done by mid October, and I was on track to do just that, but then I started getting these blasted headaches again, and I couldn't stand to read off my Kindle screen for very long. So I'm sorry this is late coming.

My tardiness aside, this is an amazing book. I honest to goodness don't have any complaints. The story was paced so well, and the plot was great. But, here, read what goodreads says.

Who Will Keep the Song Alive?

Every generation has a Songkeeper - one chosen to keep the memory of the Song alive. And in every generation, there are those who seek to destroy the chosen one.

When Birdie's song draws the attention of a dangerous Khelari soldier, she is kidnapped and thrust into a world of ancient secrets and betrayals. Rescued by her old friend, traveling peddler Amos McElhenny, Birdie flees the clutches of her enemies in pursuit of the truth behind the Song’s power.

Ky is a street-wise thief and a member of the Underground—a group of orphans banded together to survive . . . and to fight the Khelari. Haunted by a tragic raid, Ky joins Birdie and Amos in hopes of a new life beyond the reach of the soldiers. But the enemy is closing in, and when Amos’ shadowed past threatens to undo them all, Birdie is forced to face the destiny that awaits her as the Songkeeper of Leira.

The characters in this story. I love them. Birdie is the first twelve year old character I have read in years. And I loved her. She wasn't so much a twelve year old that she was whiney, or childish, but she was still very much a twelve year old. She wasn't sure of everything she did like so many of the heroine's running around in books these days. I liked that vulnerability about her.
Oddly enough my favorite character is the old peddler Amos. I love his dialogue, and his mysterious past. It killed me reading through the whole book trying to figure out what on earth he was hiding. Then when it finally came out...I took awhile getting back up from where I'd crashed to the floor (word picture, not literal). And Ky. Love him. Enough said.
The villain is terrifying, and I love the spooky feel that hovers over the story whenever he or his soldiers are around.

The plot completely held my interest. It's been a long time since I read a fantasy book that I didn't have to worry about stumbling upon some overly detailed witchcraft scene, that also didn't read like an allegory that simply swapped out Jesus' name for something more medieval sounding.

And, aside from all that fun, it's the first book in a series! (The Songkeeper Chronicles)
It is definitely worth your time to read it. Gillian is still hosting the super awesome contest on her blog to win prizes from the book, so check that out as well.  


  1. I've heard so much about this book on other blogs! I'm really curious about this series. I can't wait until the time I can finally read it!

    Carly @ Books and Etc
