Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chocolate Books Tag

I was tagged by Sarah of Forever Changed to do the Chocolate Books tag. I then lost the notification on my ipod, and completely forgot who nominated me, and what exactly I was supposed to do. But, I have gathered my wits and here are the long delayed answers. (I think I'm supposed to restrict my answers to one book per question, but I'm Divergent and can't be controlled, so I can't make any promises on that front)

1. Dark Chocolate (A book that covers a dark topic)
Well right now I'm reading Monster by Mirriam Neal. It's pretty dark so far, covering things like the human soul and such. I'm not very far in yet, so I can't say for sure what all is in it, but I think it definitely fits (and I'm loving the read).

2. White Chocolate (Favorite light-hearted/humorous read)
Hmmm, I don't read many light hearted books....Dry humor yes, but....I still love the Hank the Cowdog series. Those are definitely humorous and light-hearted.

3. Milk Chocolate (A book with a lot of hype that you're dying to read)
Well, I'm debating reading The Fault in Our Stars by John Green...everyone is hyped up about The One by Kiera Cass, but I'm dreading it actually...Oh! I want to read If I Stay by Gayle Forman.

4. Caramel-filled Chocolate (A book that makes you feel all gooey inside)
Ooh, Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare, Divergent by Veronica Roth, High Lonesome by Louis L'amour.  

5. Wafer-less KitKat (A book that has surprised you)
The two that instantly came to mind were Orphan's Song by Gillian Bronte Adams, and To Tame a Land by Louis L'amour.

6. Snickers (A book you're going nuts about)
Currently? It's Monster by Mirriam Neal, and Reached by Ally Condie. But that's just because I'm reading them both right now. If you even mention the Inheritance Cycle I'll go all crazy fan-woman on you.

7. Hot Chocolate With Mini Marshmallows (A book you turn to for a comfort read)
This will sound weird, but I really like to read American Diaries: Maddie Retta Lauren by Kathleen Duey. It's a little chapter book for like kids, but it's very realistic. I don't know why I like it for a comfort read, since I usually cry every time I read it, but I do like to read it when I'm feeling down. It's not nearly as traumatizing as most of the books I read nowadays. And I like it because I can curl up and read the whole thing in one sitting.
8. Box of Chocolates (A series you feel has something for everyone)
Oh...I don't know. Most of the series' that I read I have to stop and think before I suggest them to someone. There's usually something someone would hate about them...Um...The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis! (Now I know why he went by C.S) I think most people can get along with that series just perfectly.

Now...who do I want to peek in on their reading habits?

I tag:

Skye from Ink Castles
Victoria at Stori Tori's Blog
And, let's make it an even four.


  1. Thanks for tagging me, I love books and chocolate. Monster is so good, I love that book. Orphans Song and Clockwork Princess are on my list. I think its cool that you have broad range of books. Narnia! I love Narnia still go looking for it every time I see a wardrobe.

    1. Welcome! I'm loving it! Awesome! Haha my mom said my reading tastes are narrow minded xp I'm looking for Peter pevensie

  2. Are you enjoying the Matched series? I thought the first and second books were pretty good, but the third book became boring in certain sections. I didn't exactly follow some of the stuff that went on in the book, but I did enjoy the series.
    -Lauren <3

    1. I'm loving it so far. I like it quite a bit but I'm not terribly far in to the third one. I'm dreading the end of the love triangle though.
